Collaboration Made Easy

Collaboration in a remote or hybrid workplace isn’t always easy. Meetings can feel pointless or interminable, finding papers can be difficult, and team members may feel unnoticed if they are not together on a daily basis. 

remote collab
remote accessible

Accessible, Robust Remote Environment

Our Remote Employees Consulting services will assist your workforce in effectively operating and communicating in a hybrid or totally remote work environment. We can evaluate your employees, communications, operations, management, and culture to discover strengths and weaknesses. 

Based on our findings, we give data-driven advice to help remote or hybrid workers who may find it difficult to succeed in a distributed work environment. To put it another way, we assist firms in implementing effective, research-based ways for facilitating services.

smooth and quick transition

We provide end-to-end IT services to ensure a smooth and quick transition to telework for your firm, as well as help you maintain business continuity at low costs and manage remote personnel effectively. 

Our experts will examine your business procedures, modify them for teleworking, set up a secure virtual workspace, assess its security, and assist you in tracking employee productivity effectively.

Remote work consulting

  • Analyzing company processes and assessing operational risks.
  • Creating a plan for transition. 
  • Providing recommendations for workflow automation, cloud migration, and suitable tools. 
  • Providing guidance on how to improve security policies. 

Transition to remote work

  • Remote staff are being taught how to use new tools. 
  • Creating digital workplaces that are safe. 
  • Assessment of remote environment vulnerabilities and IT support.
  • Putting in place, setting, and customizing effective collaboration and productivity technologies. 

Remote productivity consulting and assessment

  • Assessment of remote environment vulnerabilities and IT support
  • Putting in place, setting, and customizing effective collaboration and productivity technologies.  
  • Remote workers are training how to use new tools.

Cilondis' expertise can assist you in ensuring that your remote or hybrid workforce

To interact successfully, remote and hybrid-remote work teams must alter their communication periodicity, process around projects, and establish or reaffirm operational protocols. 

In many circumstances, new work tools are required to assist employees in completing their tasks and to improve accountability and intentional collaboration. 

Cilondis‘ expertise can assist you in ensuring that your remote or hybrid workforce understands the changes and incorporates the tools they need to collaborate more effectively. 

remote cilondis

Get Consistent and Company-Wide Communication